2025POSTER CALL for ART!! The 27th annual Lasting Impressions Art Show and Sale is just around the corner. The poster committee is working hard to choose a format that best represents the Guild and features your art. They are now ready to receive your art photo submissions. Guidelines are as follows:
Artists must be current paid members as of Jan 31, 2025.
Photos should be well lit, straight on, and cropped.
Art should be available for sale at Lasting Impressions and not previously submitted.
Please be aware that your art photo MIGHT be cropped to fit the poster format.
The deadline is Feb 1, 2025 for photo submissions.
Please send submissions of your art to Ellyn.hickey1@gmail.com. Contact Liz Tashakori (281-728-8140) for more info.
CLAG meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month, except during the summer (JUN/JUL/AUG). Lunch is served at noon, followed by a short business meeting and then a speaker or demo. Our next meeting is February 12th at Tye Preston Memorial Library. Member Tracy Fortune will be discussing/demonstrating her approach to collage.