Our By-Laws were revised on October 30, 2020 and became effective January, 2021. Amendments made on May 10, 2023 were effective immediately. Canyon Lake Art Guild By-Laws
ARTICLE I: NAME The name of this organization shall be the Canyon Lake Art Guild, hereinafter referred to as “CLAG” or the Guild.
ARTICLE II: PURPOSE The purpose of this non-profit organization shall be to encourage, develop and promote creative artists; to educate and stimulate the community toward a general interest in the arts; to sponsor a charitable art scholarship for a Canyon Lake area high school senior and to contribute towards the enhancement of Canyon Lake as a cultural arts center.
ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIP Section 1: Members shall consist of artists actively engaged in original art work and/or anyone interested in encouraging general interest in the arts, whose annual dues are currently paid and whose minimum age is 18 years. Membership shall not be limited by race, sex or creed.
Section 2: An application for new and renewing membership shall be made on the form provided by CLAG. Membership dues shall be required and payable by January 31 of the current year. Failure to pay by the established deadline shall result in exclusion from the annual directory.
Section 3: Membership dues from any new member joining April 1 through August 31 shall be 80% of the normal dues. Membership dues from any new member joining September 1 through November 30 shall be 40% of the normal dues.
Section 4: Any member, who in the opinion of the Executive Board has rendered extraordinary service to CLAG, may be eligible for lifetime honorary membership. Such special honor shall be conferred at the discretion of the Executive Board and shall not exceed five members at any one time. An honorary member shall be exempt from annual membership dues.
ARTICLE IV: EXECUTIVE BOARD The Executive Board, composed of six (6) elected officers and two (2) elected members-at-large, shall conduct the business of the organization and shall operate as a unit for the benefit of the general membership. All Executive Board members shall have voting rights with the exception of the President (presiding officer) who shall vote only in the case of a tie. The immediate past President shall be considered a member of the Executive Board in an advisory, non-voting capacity. (It is strongly recommended that candidates be considered eligible for Executive Board positions after a minimum of one year active participation in the Guild.)
Section 1: The six (6) elected officer positions are: President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Treasurer Secretary Parliamentarian
Section 2: The two (2) elected members-at-large shall represent the views and concerns of the general membership. Candidates for these two positions shall be any member in good standing other than an officer. (See recommendation for prior service above.)
ARTICLE V: EXECUTIVE BOARD DUTIES Each elected officer and member-at-large shall keep a summary of responsibilities and actions to pass to incoming board members. The first Executive Board meeting in January shall be joint, to include both old and new members.
PRESIDENT: Shall preside at all meetings of CLAG; shall conduct proceedings according to the established rules of parliamentary procedure and shall assist in the expediting of business in every way compatible with the rights of the members. The President shall appoint a special committee in January to review the Guild financial records by the end of the first quarter of the year. The Parliamentarian shall serve as chairperson of this committee.
1ST VICE PRESIDENT: Shall preside in the absence of the President; shall provide monthly programs and/or workshops for the general membership meetings and shall actively assist the Communications Standing Committee.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Shall preside in the absence of the President and 1st Vice President; shall coordinate all fund-raising projects and shall actively assist the Community Outreach Standing Committee.
TREASURER: Shall develop an annual budget for approval by the Executive Board; keep an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures and make a report of the same at each board meeting; pick up and distribute mail and actively assist the Finance Standing Committee. Any expense item outside the budget shall require approval by the board.
Additionally, the treasurer shall present the financial records and account statements for review annually or as requested by the board and shall be responsible for investing the Guild’s funds while ensuring that all federal, state and local laws are met with regard to investment and reporting requirements. Changes in investment strategy must be approved by ⅔ vote of the general membership present at a regular or special meeting. The proposed changes must have been read at the previous meeting and distributed to each member of the Guild at least a week prior to the date of the scheduled voting.
SECRETARY: Shall take minutes of the Guild and Executive Board meetings; keep a corrected copy of the proceedings of the meetings and handle the correspondence of CLAG. Minutes shall be distributed prior to the respective meetings for correction and clarification. Records shall be kept for seven years.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Shall utilize Robert’s Rules of Order at all official meetings; shall keep a current copy of the by-laws governing CLAG; shall serve as chairperson of the nominating special committee and appoint its members. This officer also shall serve as chairperson of the special committee to conduct a thorough examination of Guild financial records by the end of the first quarter of the year or at any other time requested by the Executive Board.
MEMBERS-AT-LARGE: Two (2) elected members-at-large shall work with the officers to conduct the business of the Guild by participating in board meetings and assisting with standing or special committees as needed. They shall represent the general membership by introducing for discussion any topics of interest or concern .
ARTICLE VI: STANDING COMMITTEES The Executive Board shall oversee three (3) standing committees that focus on critical aspects of Guild activity. The size of each committee shall be flexible, based on the expertise of available personnel. Within each committee, one or more chairpersons may be determined as necessary to accomplish stated objectives and shall be expected to keep a summary of responsibilities and actions to pass to incoming chairpersons. No chairperson shall have the authority to proceed with any project without the approval of the Executive Board. Each standing committee shall liaise primarily with the officer as indicated below and may choose a representative to attend board meetings.
Communications Committee shall be overseen by the 1st Vice President. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Meeting Programs Workshops Newsletters E-blasts Social Media Website Guild History This committee shall be responsible for the membership meeting programs and workshops; shall provide a monthly newsletter during the first week of the month of the next regular meeting; shall coordinate e-blasts, social media sites, the Guild website and shall appoint a historian to keep a scrapbook of CLAG activities including photographs of all functions, copies of newsletters, publications, promotional releases and media coverage.
Community Outreach Committee shall be overseen by the 2nd Vice President. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Guild Promotion Community Art Displays Library Displays Public Shows Field Trips This committee shall promote the Guild within community organizations and businesses; shall work with area organizations that solicit the Guild’s help on projects that involve both groups; shall coordinate a display schedule for CLAG artists to exhibit their work in designated areas around the community and at Tye Preston Memorial Library; shall coordinate any membership-wide art shows and shall plan visits to museums, exhibits, galleries, art walks, or paint days at local studios.
Finance Committee shall be overseen by the Treasurer. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Membership Records Directory Publication Hospitality Scholarship Awards This committee shall maintain accurate records of Guild members; provide changes of address and other pertinent information to the Communications Committee; publish the directory for the February meeting and arrange for meeting refreshments and supplies for parties and art show functions. Additionally, a special committee shall select candidates from local high school seniors to receive an art scholarship from the Guild. This monetary award will be presented to the top student selected at the end of the school year. The winner will be invited to attend a Guild meeting.
ARTICLE VII: SPECIAL COMMITTEES Special committees shall be established as necessary and approved by the board for specific purposes such as nominations, scholarships, financial reviews, etc. Members may volunteer for or be appointed to special committees by the Executive Board or standing committee chairpersons.
ARTICLE VIII: ELECTIONS Section 1: Nominations for Executive Board positions shall be made by a special committee that meets as early in the year as required in order to propose a slate of candidates at the October general membership meeting. The candidates and their qualifications shall be presented to the board for approval prior to the general meeting. Nominations also may be made from the floor at the October meeting. Candidates shall have participated actively in CLAG for a minimum of one year (strongly recommended but not required). Executive Board members shall be elected at the general meeting in November and installed during a ceremony at the December meeting. The new board shall take office in January. Board members may be elected to successive terms, not to exceed two consecutive years in the same position.
Section 2: Elections shall be by ballot. When there is only one nominee for a position, the election may be made by voice. A majority of the members present and voting shall constitute a quorum for the election. All records pertaining to each position shall be submitted to the corresponding successor at the Executive Board meeting in December.
Section 3: In the event of a vacancy in the Executive Board before a term is completed, a special committee will act at once to nominate a qualified candidate to fill the position, following procedures as set forth in the by-laws. The candidate shall be approved by the board before election by the general membership.
ARTICLE IX: MEETINGS Section 1: The Executive Board shall meet once each month or as required to conduct the business of the Guild. Five (5) of the seven (7) voting members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business. If no quorum is attained, the meeting shall be adjourned and rescheduled as soon as possible. Any member of the Executive Board who is absent from more than two (2) consecutive meetings may be removed from the board. (See Article III, Section 3 regarding vacancy.) Board meetings shall be open for any Guild member to attend.
Section 2: The Guild membership shall meet once each month or at a time and place to be determined by the Executive Board. A special meeting may be called by the President for the general membership whenever necessary at a time selected by the President. The members present at any general or special meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business by majority vote. However, a ⅔ majority vote of members present shall be required for any changes to the Guild investment strategy or amendments to the by-laws.
Section 3: Meetings of both the Executive Board and the Guild membership shall be held in-person when feasible. If circumstances prevent assembling in-person, then CLAG business shall be conducted via electronic media, e.g., email, teleconference or video calls. ARTICLE X: RULES OF ORDER All Guild meetings shall be governed by these by-laws and by parliamentary procedures as contained in Robert’s Rules of Order.
ARTICLE XI: EXHIBITIONS The Executive Board shall approve the dates, hours, places, entry fees and commissions for all shows as determined by the Community Outreach standing committee. The Executive Board reserves the right to reject any exhibit deemed unsuitable. Only original works of member artists will be displayed. Commercial exhibits will not be allowed. Displays may not be removed by artists before official closing of the show, but additional items may be added as items are sold.
ARTICLE XII: FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year of this organization shall be from January 1 through December 31 of each year.
ARTICLE XIII: ANNUAL FINANCIAL REVIEW A special committee appointed by the President shall review CLAG financial records by the end of the first quarter of the year or at any other time requested by the Executive Board. The committee shall consist of the Parliamentarian as chairperson and two other non-officers. The committee shall submit to the board a written report of the review upon completion.
ARTICLE XIV: AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS The by-laws may be amended by 2/3 vote of the membership present at a regular or special meeting. The proposed amendments must have been read at the previous meeting and distributed to each member of the Guild at least a week prior to the date of the scheduled voting.
ARTICLE XV: DISSOLUTION In the event of dissolution of this organization at any time for any reason, all of the funds and assets of this organization shall be disbursed to any one or more other organizations or institutions as may be determined by the majority of the members. The receiver of any such funds shall be wholly of a public nature, non profit and engaged in educational or charitable pursuits. No contributor shall ever derive financial gain from this organization or its dissolution.
Revised October 30, 2020 Amended May 10, 2023 (Article III Membership, Article IX Meetings)